Very large space with photo captions

QuestionsCategory: Hello SassafrasVery large space with photo captions
foodshooter asked 4 years ago

Hi, for every photo caption there is a large space under the image then the caption starts. Can you tell me where I can fix this? Thanks.

foodshooter replied 4 years ago

Hi there just reaching out again to see if there are any easy fixes for this? My next post goes out tomorrow morning and I have a lot of captions under images in this one.

2 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

What is a link that I can view this happening on?

Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

You should be able to add this to your additional css. 
.wp-caption-text {
margin: 10px!important;

foodshooter replied 4 years ago

Oh great! Thanks