Mobile issues for sassafras

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsMobile issues for sassafras
Allison Jarvis asked 4 years ago

Can you please help us change the look of the mobile version? Everything is showing up very large and we would like it all smaller scale. For example, a block that is media and text (side by side) is showing up on the mobile site as media with the text portion below. I attached a picture. Thank you!

2 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

What is your URL?

Allison Jarvis replied 4 years ago

Support Team Staff replied 4 years ago

We are not able to preview the site to help with this. However it looks like the mobile font issues are from the custom font being used. You would need to add code in the mobile section to adjust them to a smaller size.

Allison Jarvis replied 4 years ago

ok, thanks. can you give us an example of what that code would look like? Also, the Woocommerce buttons are appearing vertical as well. The letters are stacked within the button. How can we fix this issue as well?

Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

Without being able to see what is happening we can not provide what code would be needed to adjust. Also please keep in mind this is not really theme support. We dont mind helping of course, but it needs to be a simple task. Have a feeling the woo buttons are doing that as well from the adjustments made. If you can provide a login we can see if it is possible to help.