Change Blog Width on Hello Beaches

QuestionsCategory: CustomizationChange Blog Width on Hello Beaches
jeskablogs asked 2 years ago

I have my homepage set to full width but I would like single posts to have a smaller width if possible. Can you let me know how to do that? Thank you!

jeskablogs replied 2 years ago

I actually added this css and it seems to have fixed it! Let me know if I should have done it differently. Thank you!

div.content-sidebar-wrap {
width: 900px;
margin: auto;

Support Team Staff replied 2 years ago

That looks good.

jeskablogs replied 2 years ago

It looks like it has messed up the mobile view. Is there something additional I would need to add?

Support Team Staff replied 2 years ago

what is the URL?

Support Team Staff replied 2 years ago

Change it to this and you should be good.

div.content-sidebar-wrap {
max-width: 900px;
margin: auto;

jeskablogs replied 2 years ago

Yes, that fixed it! Thank you so much!