Hello Chic Support

QuestionsCategory: CustomizationHello Chic Support
Sara Gillis asked 4 years ago

Hello! My URL is whatsarasaid.com, and I’m in need of assistance regarding the following items:
– Shrink pixels/space between widgets on home page
– Search bar issues on secondary navigation (I see a rectangle/box in the upper right corner, and while I read through the posted questions and answers on this, the suggested fixes aren’t working for me)
– White background behind top navigation at all times (Is this something that can be done to the theme itself, or do I need to edit the image I’m using for the page hero)?
– Portfolio header not loading (I’m using the Custom Headers widget)
Thank you! -Sara

1 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

For Shrinking the pixels.  It looks like the blue bar is an image section that does not have an image behind it.  Which is why it looks larger than it should.  Here is the code to remove the padding, but keep in mind that if you want to add an image to those sections, y ou will need to remove the code.  Add this to your additional CSS
.image-section-1 .widget-area {
padding: 0!important;
It looks like the search icon may be fixed now?
In your style sheet on line 2202, you will see this
.front-page .site-header {
background: transparent;
box-shadow: none;
position: fixed;
Delete the entire thing, and then clear your browser/site cache to see the changes.
For the portfolio, is it the same portfolio plugin the theme is using or are you using a custom one?  Is this for the image behind the portfolio?

Sara Gillis replied 4 years ago

All of this worked except the search bar issue – any advice?
Thank you SO much for your assistance – I’m so grateful!