How do I get the color block to be full width on my homepage?

QuestionsCategory: CustomizationHow do I get the color block to be full width on my homepage?
Shaina Levin asked 4 years ago

When I add the full width color block code to the html widgets on my homepage, the color block will not go the full width. (It does however go full width on normal pages) It seems to have margins when on the homepage. How do I remove the margins and make it full width? 

Shaina Levin replied 4 years ago

I was hoping to make the “home services” section have a full width color block like the “flexible widget” section.

I’m using the hello chic theme

My url is:

1 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

It is not designed to work on the homepage.  Each homepage widget has specific code attached.  What is the URL and where on the homepage are you trying to make it a full width color block?