Home Flexible – HELLO ROSE

QuestionsCategory: Hello RoseHome Flexible – HELLO ROSE
Terah Ware asked 4 years ago

Hello, For the home flexible widget in HELLO ROSE, I would like to have the three boxes with text and image be clickable to three pages.  I was hoping that when you hover your mouse over the entire box, it would be clickable.  I have not found the code for this.  If there is a code, how would it appear in the home flexible widget?  Thank you for your help!   

1 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

There are a few ways that you can do this. One is to use the Genesis Featured Page, or Featured Page Advanced.  Both will show the image and have it link to the spot.  Or you can use the Image Widget and add a link.  Or a custom html widget and do it all with traditional code.  The Featured Page Advance plugin may be the best and easiest option.  It has the most customization of the options above.  Let us know if you would like us to hop on and place an example.