Youtube size – Hello Rose

QuestionsCategory: Hello RoseYoutube size – Hello Rose
Cecilia Whitton asked 5 years ago

Using the Gutenburg youtube block, the video isn’t displayed in the right proportions; the video doesn’t fit within the window. I updated the theme and Genesis but I’m still experiencing this issue.
I saw a question that was similar for a different theme, but didn’t know what custom div to use, so I tried to add a regular div with the embed code from youtube but that didn’t work; the place where the video would go was blank. 
I’m unable to upload a file (“Upload file size exceeds maximum file size allowed” but don’t know what size is max), so here’s the link instead –

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

When you are adding the link to the gutenberg block are you adding just the video link, or more code?  would it be possible to log on and see how it is added?

Cecilia Whitton replied 5 years ago

I was just adding the link. Prior to the update, there was an icon for youtube, but now there’s a just a place to put a link. You can log in; where can I email you the info? Thanks!