Demo File Issues with Hello Boss

QuestionsCategory: Import IssuesDemo File Issues with Hello Boss
Katie White asked 4 years ago

This is my third theme from Hello You Designs and I am so excited to get my fingers on the newest theme: Hello Boss.  My issue is that I uploaded the Hello Boss theme, but when I go to upload step 1 of the demo file, it failed to import any media from the demo file.  Also, just a heads up that the plugin list did not include the portfolio type setup, so that caused some error messages as well.  I was able to fix that issue by downloading the correct plugin.  However, I would also like the demo media files for placeholder purposes.  Thanks!

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 years ago

Usually when that happens it is from missing the plugins that the theme uses and the content does not know where to assign it.  It can be from your host timing out on the images.  Or lately we have seen many speed optimizers prevent imports and need to be turned off.  Were you able to get this fixed?  If not, I can make this private and get your login and give it a go.

Katie White replied 4 years ago

Hi! I just started over and everything worked fine. Thank you anyways.