My menus did not setup

QuestionsCategory: Import IssuesMy menus did not setup
Jennifer Staff asked 5 years ago
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1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

This is very normal. 80% of the time when we import the demo menus do not assign. This is okay, you would most likely be changing the menus to match what you want on your site. Go to Appearance > Menus and there you can assign menu locations and set up the links how you would like

Nique W replied 5 years ago

I am in the same boat, however, when I go to Appearance > Menu's there is not an option for a top menu. I have the hello chic theme.

Support Team Staff replied 5 years ago

Hello Chic does not have a top menu, just left and right.

Support Team Staff replied 5 years ago

Or do you mean the menu descriptions? If so, there are instructions in the setup guide that go over how to enable those in the menu settings.