Adding a Full-width template option for a page (other than landing page) so there is no side bar

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsAdding a Full-width template option for a page (other than landing page) so there is no side bar
Jordan King asked 4 years ago

I have the Hello Boho theme and the page templates under page attributes are default, blog page, social, category index, client portal or landing page. There isn’t an option to have a full-width page with no sidebar (other than landing or blog, which I don’t want). I like having the option of a sidebar on some of my pages, but others I’d like full-width (like about me or resources). Is there a way to change this or will I have to go into the backend coding of my website? 

1 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

No, with genesis you can choose the default site layout for the interior pages at Genesis > Theme Settings > then I believe it is site layout.  
Or you can assign a sidebar/full width on certain pages by editing the page/post and if using gutenberg, hit the little Genesis icon on the right.  It will open the Genesis settings for that page and you can pick the layout from the dropdown.

Jordan King replied 4 years ago

You’re a genius! Thank you. I prefer to do it per post and the genesis settings in the post allowed me to do it full-width. 👍🏻