Affiliate disclosure

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsAffiliate disclosure
Denise Joanne asked 4 years ago

I am using Hello Beaches and I have issues displaying my affiliate disclosure on top of posts.
I followed all steps mentioned in the support guide, enabled custom fields and added my disclose in the “value” area, and pressed “add custom field”. But when I update the post it doesn’t show anywhere. What could I be doing wrong?

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 years ago

the word is case sensitive so it has to be exactly like it is in the example or it will not work.  If that does not fix it, please let me know and I can make this private to hop on and see what is going on.

Denise du Pont replied 4 years ago

Ah, there we go! I used a capital A. It works fine now!
Thank you so much for your quick response!!