Hello Gorgeous Demo File

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsHello Gorgeous Demo File
corey hudson asked 5 years ago

Hi I bought my theme off of Creative Market and it did not come with the demo file. I would like to install it on my site! Do you mind sending it to me, please?

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

With creative market themes it is in the zip folder under the XML file.  You will find the demo XML and the widget WIE in that folder.

corey hudson replied 5 years ago

when i installed it i got an error Failed to import course Dessert

corey hudson replied 5 years ago

the first file…

corey hudson replied 5 years ago

and when i try the second file this is what it says: Sorry, there has been an error.
This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number

Jennifer Staff replied 5 years ago

the dessert failed would be from not having the Easy Recipe plugin installed. Which is okay.

Did you go to Tools > Widget Importer for the WIE file? If that is how you tried to import it, if your WordPress up to date?

corey hudson replied 5 years ago

yes i did that and uploaded the file that says step 2

corey hudson replied 5 years ago

i cleared my cache and that worked! not sure what was going on thanks!! and yes it was updated wordpress i just started this site…