Question about moving the newsletter form on my header image AND my social buttons not showing up

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsQuestion about moving the newsletter form on my header image AND my social buttons not showing up
Angela McNaul asked 1 year ago

2 questions:
I want to remove the newsletter sign up from this page: clients are using it as a contact form and I dont want any confusion. Can this easily be turned into a contact form OR what is the best way to remove it.
2) my social buttons are not showing up: they should be right next to the word shouldnt on the left side BUT they are not there. I have changed the colors every way possible and they still dont show. When I hover I can see that I can click but not the “why” so I was curious if anyone can guide me.

1 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 1 year ago

With this you would delete the widget from the widget area.  Or you could delete that widget and then place a contact block in it’s place.  It will not have the same styling, but can be similar. 
Would it be okay to log on to your site and take a look at the social icons?