Woocommerce categories aren’t showing properly like on the demo (hello boho)

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsWoocommerce categories aren’t showing properly like on the demo (hello boho)
Veronika Jezikova asked 4 years ago

Hi, I just set up my WooCommerce shop on my website using your theme hello boho and all is fine except the categories aren’t showing properly like on the demo. It shows.. I don’t even know what it is honestly, but not product assigned in specific category. Can you help me?
This is your demo:
hello boho demo
And here is my category, its in Czech, but the text doesn’t matter, what matters it the fact that my category isn’t showing like on your demo and I don’t know what to do about it:

And one more thing. I want to have a sidebar on my blogposts but not in my shop, how can I do that, is it possible?
thank you so much!

1 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

This happens when you do not have the Genesis Connect for Woocommerce installed and active.  That is the only way Woocommerce and Genesis speak to each other.  If you go to plugins > add new you can search for Genesis Connect and install it.

Veronika Jezikova replied 4 years ago

it is working, thank you! <3