Blog pages show at most, one too many

QuestionsCategory: Setup QuestionsBlog pages show at most, one too many
Teria Brooks asked 5 years ago

I have the Hello Boho theme. In the set-up instructions, it said that I could use the blog featured image size at 1000x1000px. I have changed my featured image sizes on my posts, however the home page is trying to kick in a 4th below the other original 3, with the blog category button not working either on that 4th post. How can I remove that extra 4th featured post? 

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

This happens when you have a sticky post.  Go to your posts, and remove the Sticky Post from the one that it is set on.  Then the blog will show the correct amount.  If it is important to have that sticky post, then shoot over the login and I can add code to the theme to hide it on the homepage.

Teria Brooks replied 5 years ago

Oh yep that fixed it! I didn’t realize one of my posts had that selected. I appreciate the help 🙂 Thanks so much!