Converting site from DIVI to Hello You

QuestionsCategory: Setup QuestionsConverting site from DIVI to Hello You
Olivia Anderson asked 5 years ago

I have used the DIVI theme for my website and the majority of my blog posts are made with the DIVI builder. I am wondering if I switch to the Hello Boho theme will it be an easy transition, or will I have to reformate every post?

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

Unfortunately, it will be a mess and you will have to reformate each post. Divi has a page builder that you can use with any theme now. If you use that, you might not have to rebuild each post. I would look at the FAQs for it. But it also might be a good idea to rebuild them anyways with the Gutenberg editor. That will help with speed and website function.

Olivia Anderson replied 5 years ago

Ok, I was afraid of that. So basically once I switch the theme over my whole site will be a be a hot mess and it would be best for me to reformat all my posts before switching. When creating new posts with this theme would I just be using Gutenberg? Or does hello Boho also use a page builder?

Jennifer Staff replied 5 years ago

That is the only bad thing about Divi is being married to those shortcodes if you ever want to swap themes. I don’t have a page builder built into my themes for that reason. I do recommend Beaver Builder if you want to use a page builder. It is very light weight and can work on any theme if you change. Otherwise, your page editor would be Gutenberg with WordPress.