Buttons on posts different from theme

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsButtons on posts different from theme
IdleMoss asked 5 months ago

The buttons on pages/widgets on places like the homepage and shop conform to the theme, but if I add a new button on a post (such as a blog post or Portfolio Page) the theme does not apply and it\’s just grey. I\’m adding the button as a block and the code right now is:

<div class="wp-block-button is-style-fill"><a class="wp-block-button__link wp-element-button" href="MY_LINK" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">BUTTONS </a></div>
1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 months ago

Are you using a Kadence theme? If so, click on the button, in the right editor, Style Tab and there you can choose from Fill, Outline or Theme. When you click on the theme button it should take on the styling you have set in your customizer for the button.

IdleMoss replied 5 months ago

Hi there, thanks for getting back to me! I’m using a genesis theme, Hello Maker.

Jennifer Staff replied 5 months ago

With this being a Genesis theme only default buttons will have the theme styling. The buttons above are being added by the button block and will take on that styling, unless you specify it in the style sheet how you want it to appear. For default buttons it is BUTTON TEXT HERE