Problems with Mobile – Hello Blush –

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsProblems with Mobile – Hello Blush –
Eline Duk asked 4 months ago

I’ve got the following problems with Mobile:

I’ve got the following problems:

  • on MOBILE: the letters on the side, next to the photos (top of the homepage), are overlapping the actual text. I can’t seem to fix that for mobile only. Is there a way of doing that?
  • on MOBILE, there are suddenly some background colours changing to different colours than I want them (let’s take the homepage, scrolling down to the “on the blog” section. That needs to be yellow as well and is currently blue-grey-ish). I can’t seem to figure out how to change that either.
  • On MOBILE, the padding at the top of the page is still there (on all pages, but let’s take homepage as an example). I followed all your instructions to remove the padding from header to video as per the troubleshooting pages and it works for desktop, but does not seem to be working for mobile.
  • On MOBILE, if you scroll down on the homepage to the “as seen in” part, suddenly the middle one (Podcast) is boxed. I can’t seem to change that. (Got this issue on several other places but taking this one as an example)
  • On MOBILE, on the blog at the “share on your socials” below, the buttons are fully pink, whereas on the desktop the buttons are pink & letters white.

I’ve tried to make these changes by clicking “mobile” and then amending them, but these are the ones I cannot seem to figure out. Would really appreciate your help!
I’ve made you an editor on my WordPress account. Can you let me know if that works?

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 months ago

Can you email the login to I thought we had it, but can’t seem to find it in our email thread.

Eline Duk replied 4 months ago

Hey Jennifer! I just sent the email to you :). Please let me know if it works out and thanks so much for your help!