Customizer and WordPress settings are not the same

QuestionsCategory: CustomizationCustomizer and WordPress settings are not the same
Ellen Dirnberger asked 5 years ago

I am working on updating my website and have been using the customizer to update settings.  When I am in customizer, I feel like it has really started to look like I want it to, however when I go into WordPress, all of those settings do not translate.  For example, when I click on the “home” page, it completely changes all of my view settings and when I go into the WordPress pages, none of the new pages I created in customizer are there.  I have no idea what to do to fix this, I’ve searched multiple places online and have not had much luck.  Any ideas?
Thanks so much!

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

When you are in the customizer, it is being saved in Draft mode and not publishing it to the site.  You can change that to Publish and once you publish it, everything you see in the customizer will show when you view the site out of the customizer.