Font for Post Title

QuestionsCategory: CustomizationFont for Post Title
Emily Cimino asked 5 years ago

Is it possible to change the font and size of a post title? If so, how? (I have the Sweets Peachy theme) 

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1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 years ago


Go to Appearance > Customizer > and add this to your additional CSS

.entry-title {
font-size: 22px !important;

You can adjust that 22 to anysize you would like.

For the fonts is it a google font you would like?

Emily Cimino replied 4 years ago

Hi Jennifer, thank you! I don’t believe it is a google font. I wanted to use the script font with my theme. How do I specify that? (paradise thoughts is the font)

Jennifer Staff replied 4 years ago

For custom fonts like that you would need to load them to the font file in the theme folder, then call them into the style sheet.