how to add Newsletter widget inside blog post

QuestionsCategory: Customizationhow to add Newsletter widget inside blog post
jennyb asked 5 years ago

Hi! _I want to add the newsletter widget inside my blog post, like in the middle of the content, not on the sidebar. How can I do, so it looks just like it does in the blog page? This is for the Hello Boho theme.

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

To add it to the middle of the content you would want to use your providers specific form that can be copy and pasted into the blog post itself, where ever in the content you want.

jennyb replied 5 years ago

thx for your quick answer! I managed that part, but I would like it to have same format as the one in the blog page. Do I need to do it manually, or could i use a css class or something like that? if that is possible, which is the class name used?