How to Use Own Script Font with the Italics (Hello Blush)

QuestionsCategory: CustomizationHow to Use Own Script Font with the Italics (Hello Blush)
Claire Shay asked 3 years ago

Hi, I downloaded the “Use Any Font” to assign my own font to one of the header titles (H6). There’s the feature where the script font would show up if you do italics on any of the header words. Is there a way to get this feature with the H6 that I’m using my own script font in?

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 3 years ago

Yes, you can do this. So in the additional CSS of the customizer you would add

h6 em {
font-family: whatever yourfont is;
letter-spacing: normal;

Claire Shay replied 3 years ago

Got it, thank you! And is there a way that if i’m on H2 and I hit the “italics”, then instead of the font being turned into the default Hello Blush script font, it would change it to my own script font?