Homepage Image on Hello Chic

QuestionsCategory: Hello ChicHomepage Image on Hello Chic
Dawn Anderson asked 5 years ago

I love the look of the curved header image on the homepage for Hello Chic. I was wondering if you were aware that it doesn\’t seem to display properly in Safari but it looks great in Chrome. Do you have a work around? I was looking at your demo in Safari on the Mac Version 12.0.2 (13606.
Chrome Screenshot

Safari Screen shot https://www.dropbox.com/s/c05c5f4bvyyxrlq/Screen%20Shot%202019-01-18%20at%2010.25.15%20AM.png?dl=0

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

Yes, on safari it will appear as a straight line, vs the cropped edges. Go to your Style-Front css sheet and find line 268, which should be this

.home-full {
color: #222;
line-height: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 1900px;
clip-path: polygon(0px 0px, 100% 0px, 100% 85%, 50% 100%, 0px 85%);

Change it to this

.home-full {
color: #222;
line-height: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 1900px;
-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0px 0px, 100% 0px, 100% 85%, 50% 100%, 0px 85%);
-moz-clip-path: polygon(0px 0px, 100% 0px, 100% 85%, 50% 100%, 0px 85%);
clip-path: polygon(0px 0px, 100% 0px, 100% 85%, 50% 100%, 0px 85%);

After you change it, be sure to clear your browser and hosting cache.