Theme calls for fadeup.js that isn’t there?

QuestionsCategory: Hello SassafrasTheme calls for fadeup.js that isn’t there?
Adam Dobay asked 4 years ago

Hi there,
I’m trying to optimise our Sassafras site using Google PageSpeed Insights, and one of the things it’s flagging up is that Sassafras seems to call for a fadeup.js that’s not there. I tracked it down and the call is made in functions.php and the function is referred to in the front-page.php . I’m not sure what it should be doing but I can’t find that fadeup.js file anywhere.
Can you help with whether I can comment this out without breaking the theme or if there’s another solution? It’s a critical request that’s taking up 200ms of precious time from the loading of the site, which is a lot.
Many thanks,
Adam Dobay

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 years ago

My apologies.  This happened a while back after that feature was removed from the theme file.  Sassafras has since been updated removing it from the functions file.  You can remove that and not break anything.  Or if you prefer we can hop on and remove it.  Whichever you are more comfortable with.

Adam Dobay replied 4 years ago

No worries, I found it and removed it. I see we’re still on 2.0.5 so I will be updating shortly anyway. Thank you!

Jennifer Staff replied 4 years ago

I believe 2.0.6 removed that, and then 2.0.7 I added a missing piece from the color customizer.

Adam Dobay replied 4 years ago

Amazing, I see 2.0.7 among our downloads now. Thank you 🙂