Woocommerce numbers columns on achieve pages

QuestionsCategory: Hello SassafrasWoocommerce numbers columns on achieve pages
kairen varker asked 5 years ago

I have woocommerce category page set to fullpage layout but instead of showing a neat display it is showing 2 products then a gap then on the next line there is 3 products and the images are soo huge. I am trying to have smaller images and same number of products per line on each line. Have tried appearance/customise/woocommerce/productimages followed by regenerate thumbnails. 

Jennifer Staff replied 5 years ago

what is a link to view what is happening?

kairen varker replied 5 years ago

https://celebrately.co.uk/product-category/themes/ the pictures are also looking very fuzzy to me even though they are 1000px

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

To fix the blurry photos you would go to Appearance > Customize > Woocommerce and then change the woocommerce image size to 1000px by 1000px. 
For the columns it is conflicting with the theme settings.  The theme is was coded to show 3 and Woo is trying to show 5.  Did you want 3 or 5 across?
would it be possible for you to email the login to jennifer@helloyoudesigns.com  I can make the adjustments for you.

kairen varker replied 5 years ago

Oh thats perfect , no more fuzzy pictures, I understand that bit now- thank you. Id prefer 5 as 3 feels too big . Ill email you, thank you