Instagram Feed Not Working?

QuestionsCategory: PluginsInstagram Feed Not Working?
Tamara Nelson asked 5 years ago

Dear HelloYouDesigns,
I was wondering was there a recent update to the theme that disabled the Custom Instagram Feed plugin from working? I receive the following message whilst logged into my WP account and viewing my website (please see attached screenshot). The feed also is no longer updating with recent posts. I have cleared the cache, and even tried uninstalling/reinstalling the plugin. Upon attempting to reconnect my IG account with the plugin it won’t allow me (manual connectivity won’t work either, for some odd reason).
I was just wondering if it is possible that the theme was updated and I haven’t the latest version? I have this issue with 3 of my HelloYouDesign themes: Hello Luv, Hello Boho, and Hello Gorgeous. I am also using the latest version of Genesis.
Hope you can help!

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

There is not anything in the theme files that would cause this, even if they are not the updated themes files, so no worries on that end. It can happen for a variety of reasons. Your host is blocking outgoing scripts which will not let it load, a java error on the site, plugin conflict, or possibly your IG account is being blocked by IG itself. I’ve seen that in very rare cases where too many IPS have logged into 1 account.

You can delete that plugin and try this one

Enjoy Social Feed plugin for WordPress website

This is the one we used on the new Hello Beaches theme because it has a beautiful fade effect to pull in new images. If that does not work, shoot me over some login details and I can hop on and take a look.