Burger not showing on mobile

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsBurger not showing on mobile
Becky Danzenbaker asked 4 months ago

Hello, I’m still using the retired Hello Foxy theme, and am having mixed results on mobile for the menu turning into a burger as it should. Works on the home page and my blog, but not the other pages. Please send directions for how to fix!

Becky Danzenbaker replied 3 months ago

Hello! Can you please send me the code to add to the exclude section on WP rocket so I can minimize the other files? I’m getting site health warnings because my pages are loading slower without the Java minification and I don’t want to lose SEO standing. Thank you!

Jennifer Staff replied 3 months ago

I’m not familiar with that plugin, so I don’t really know what setting to give. There are other plugins that work better and give clear options on what is deactivated and what to keep.

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 months ago

The first thing I would do is to turn off the CSS or Java minimizer you have running and see if that fixes it. If it does not, please email login details to jennifer@helloyoudesigns.com and I can hop on and trouble shoot.

Becky Danzenbaker replied 4 months ago

Won’t turning those off slow down my site? Is there a way to keep the minimizers and the burger?

Jennifer Staff replied 4 months ago

Did you test to see if that was the issue? If it is, then you hopefully whatever plugin you are using has settings that you can adjust so it doesn’t remove the java for your menu. If it doesn’t have settings to adjust, and just does a blanket minimize, you will want to try a different plugin for minimizing.

Becky Danzenbaker replied 4 months ago

Yes, it’s specifically the minimize JavaScript that’s causing the issue. I’m using wp rocket, and I can exclude specific files from the Java minification. What should I put in that field? Thanks for your help!

Becky Danzenbaker replied 3 months ago

Which plugin would you recommend? And which setting would I keep/deactivate to get the burger to work while Java is minimized?

Jennifer Staff replied 3 months ago

Autooptimize and Fast Velocity are two others that I know of. As far as the settings, I’m not familiar enough with those plugins to guide you on what to select. The plugin author should have a support site that goes into more detail on the settings and hopefully that will help with what settings to choose.