Full Width Image

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsFull Width Image
julie kulbago asked 5 years ago

I have the hello foxy design.  On my blog post pages, I want my images to be full width (as wide as the text when it is full width).  Can you let me know how many pixels wide I should set my image to?  Example: https://lifechaosandcameras.com/pittsburgh-brand-headshot-photographer/

3 Answers
Support Team Staff answered 5 years ago

The content is 1150px wide.  When you selected the image did you pick to show it at full width, or is it set to large/med?  It looks like the site defaulted to 775px wide. 

Ami Hooper replied 5 years ago

I’ve posted a question TWICE, last time two days ago. Other questions asked after mine have received answers but I’m still waiting. Is there a reason for this???????

Support Team Staff replied 5 years ago

We have replied to your question on fonts. Please check the question. If you are not seeing the response, please clear your cache.

julie kulbago replied 5 years ago

Thank you – – I have it set to Full width and I sized the image to 1800 pixels. They are still smaller than the text width. Is there another thing I should check?

I see in the sample you can also make them go all the way left to right . . . where is that setting?

Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

That would be left, or right aligned to do that. Are you using the gutenberg editor? If you would like I can hop on your install and take a look at what might be keeping them at that smaller size.

julie kulbago replied 5 years ago

It’s weird . . . I have it aligned but they still look like they aren’t full width. This is the page I’m looking at:https://lifechaosandcameras.com/pittsburgh-senior-photographer/

How can I find the Gutenberg editor?

I would love for you to hop on but I can’t remember the password (it’s just saved in my computer when I log on!)

Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

Gutenberg is the default editor. Are you using the older classic editor? Something is over riding the theme styling and keeping the images that size. Feel free to shoot over the login when you can and we can hop on and see what it may be.

julie kulbago replied 5 years ago

I have added you as an admin on my site:

username: Jennifer
password: DW#IE^0B3E@FFIz3m3n1cuU%

I would really appreciate if you take a look to see why the default editor is overriding Gutenberg (whatever that is) . . . lol
