Hello Blogger Sidebar Icons Messed Up

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsHello Blogger Sidebar Icons Messed Up
Ashley Picanco asked 4 months ago

I had my blog’s sidebar set up with the icons in the sidebar looking just like the Hello Blogger demo (6 icons organized into two rows of 3 each).  But after a new update, they’re all skewed.  You can see them in this post: Link.
I’ve tried messing around with the widget settings, but I can’t get them looking proper anymore. Any help is much appreciated!

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 months ago

Can you send a screenshot of what it is doing? Aside from the top blocks having bold lettering they are still 3×3 on my screen.

Ashley Picanco replied 4 months ago

Ok, I took a screenshot of what that section look like on my screen: https://ibb.co/3sz8rgM

Jennifer Staff replied 4 months ago

Can you send me login details. Jennifer@helloyoudesigns.com didn’t realize it was a mobile adjustment that needed to be done. Should be a quick fix