Hello Iris Featured Image size

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsHello Iris Featured Image size
Nikki Marion asked 2 months ago

Hi Jennifer, 
Can you tell me the dimensions of the images for hello iris? Mainly the featured image dimension.

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 2 months ago

With a kadence theme you don’t really need to pre-size your images anymore. You will of course want to make sure they are web optimized and not larger than they need to be. If you go to the Customizer > Archive Layout > Scroll down to where you see Featured and open that tab. There you can select from several different ratios that will auto adjust your featured image to be that ratio. So square, 3:4, 3:2, etc.

Jennifer Staff replied 2 months ago

On other images it is the same, there are ratio options. Most times I selected the 3:4 or 1:1.