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QuestionsCategory: Questionshome close
Kate Groag-hovord asked 5 years ago

I cannot get the third text widget in the same position as the theme guide – can you help?!
I have emailed you my log ins previously

Jennifer Staff replied 5 years ago

Looking at the site, everything looks good. Which section is this? I see it is home close, but that spot is empty. If it is that spot, could you place in the widgets that you would like to use so we can test what is going on?

Kate Groag-hovord replied 5 years ago

hey sorry forgot to publish – please look now x

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

You have 3 widgets in it, so it is flexing how it is designed. The first widget will always be 100% width, then the widgets that get added below are the ones that flex.  If you would like all 3 to be on the same row, you would need to add another widget at the top, then the 3 will flex.   Here is the flex image below
Flexible Widget Layout

Kate Groag-hovord replied 5 years ago

you star thank you