Hover color wont’ change in secondary top menu Sassafras

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsHover color wont’ change in secondary top menu Sassafras
foodshooter asked 5 years ago

Hi, I’ve changed the hover color for the site to a green color. The secondary menu on top however is still pink when you hover over that. Can you get that to be the same hover color as the primary navigation? I can’t figure out how to change it.

2 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

That is odd. I don’t know why that was not adjusting. Fixed it. Let me know if you run into anything else that is not changing.

foodshooter replied 5 years ago

Hi – I’ve cleared cache and the hover color still isn’t in that menu.

Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

It should be a gray now, when hovered. It is linked to your Primary Hover color. Logged on and deactivated the WP Rocket Plugin. When you use wpengine, they have built in caching and adding a cache plugin like that sometimes causes things to stick and not clear like they should. Try clearing the browser again now that the plugin is deactivated and let me know if it is showing as a gray vs the pink.