Instagram Feed on Hello Darling Theme

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsInstagram Feed on Hello Darling Theme
Danielle Leigh asked 1 year ago

Hi there! I am trying to get the IG feed working on my site, but cannot find where to make the proper settings, etc. Ultimately, I have no idea how to get this to show up, and the demo instructions don’t give much advice. Thanks in advance for any and all help 🙂

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 1 year ago

IF you wanted to use the demo plugin, it would be smashballoon IG feed. Then you connect it to your IG account by going to the plugin settings. After you do that you create a feed in the plugin settings. You would want to do 8 images by 8 cols (or adjust to preferred #) then click on header and uncheck to show header, uncheck to show follow and uncheck to show more images. After you save the feed, you will get a shortcode that looks something like this

[instagram-feed feed=1]

And you will copy that, then go to your widget area for the feed and place that in a custom HTML widget. Hope this helps. If not we can log on and create the feed after you have connected your IG account and place it in the widget area if needed.