Integrating ActiveCampaign with Genesis Enews

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsIntegrating ActiveCampaign with Genesis Enews
Jennifer Stevenson asked 4 years ago

Hi there, I’m having a little trouble with integrating AC with Genesis enews. Is there something special we need to do in order to integrate it?
When I add the link with into the Form Action section and then add the hidden links everything seems fine, but when I test it out, instead of automatically subscribing a new page opens with the AC form and I have to enter my information in again to subscribe.
Any ideas?

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 years ago

Here is a tutorial I found

How to Use ActiveCampaign with the Genesis eNews Plugin

I’m not familiar enough with that one to help on what may be missing.  But I do know that with other providers if the form action is not exactly how they want, it will do a double subscribe.  So for instance if the form action for firstname is not FNAME for mailchimp, and it is fname, or firstname, it will not know to collect the first name for the first name (FNAME) field.  Sorry I can’t be of more help with this one.