Iris buttons

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsIris buttons
Ashely Dickerson asked 1 month ago

I have refreshed my browser and reset the Kadence Starter and the buttons are different from the demo. What should I do to get them to look like the demo, both in color, font and size?

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 1 month ago

What is the URL to preview this?

Ashely Dickerson replied 1 month ago

Its all of my buttons but you can view some here:

Jennifer Staff replied 1 month ago

This is from a plugin. I’m not sure which one you are using that is causing it. But the plugin is overriding the default theme settings. I would deactivate the plugins the theme is not using. Then reactivate 1 by 1 to find which is doing it. Then go through the plugin settings to see if you can turn it off, or if you even need the plugin. If you can’t find where to turn it off, then you can try adding this to your additional CSS in the customizer to force a no-radius.

.wp-block-button__link {
border-radius: 0px !important;

Ashely Dickerson replied 1 month ago

thank you! I did that and it didn’t work. That’s okay, they don’t look too bad, I just liked the cleaner look in the demo.

Jennifer Staff replied 1 month ago

You should have the look you want. Shoot me over a login to the site and I can hop on and see where it is coming from and get it fixed.