Iris Theme: Footer Navigation Menu

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsIris Theme: Footer Navigation Menu
Katie Macdonald asked 2 months ago

Hi Jennifer, 
I’m having trouble with the navigation menu in the footer. I can’t seem to select the footer menu option I have create in the menus area.  When I go to Widgets to try and add there, I get red error message (shown in the screenshot), and when I click in the widget either in the widgets area, or the footer in the customise area, nothing happens (also attached a screenshot). 
Please can you let me know how to rectify this? 

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 2 months ago

Delete it, then readd it.  I’m not sure why but some of the classic widgets do this.   Once deleted though, then readded you should be good to select the menu and save.

Katie Macdonald replied 2 months ago

That has worked, thank you!