Iris Theme: Upgrading to Blocks Pro

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsIris Theme: Upgrading to Blocks Pro
Katie Macdonald asked 2 months ago

Hi Jennifer, 
I think I’d like to upgrade to Blocks Pro as then I get direct form integration with ActiveCampaign (rather than needing to create a form which is slightly off design!) and I’ll also be able to add some movements on some elements. 
If I do this, will I think need to redesign all the block as Pro blocks, or will more features/options become available in each of the existing block settings? 
Hope that makes sense! 

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 2 months ago

No you will not need to do any redesign, you will just have more features available.

Katie Macdonald replied 2 months ago

Thank you for confirming!