Issue with rotating testimonial – Hello CEO

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsIssue with rotating testimonial – Hello CEO
tubellephotography asked 5 years ago

I followed the instruction about adding testimonial on the home page. I actually haven’t customized it. I am using what came with the demo.
If you check, you can see that all 3 testimonials are displaying with the second and third styled a little bit different from the first one. 
I also noticed that whenever I add the rotating testimonial on the homepage widget, the white background of the main menu disappears. It re-appears whenever I would remove the rotating testimonial.
Attached is the screenshot of the shortcode that I added on my widget. As you can see, I only added the base rotator just like how you added it on the instructions but still all 3 are displaying at the same time and not rotating.
I also attached a screenshot of the rotator settings that came with the demo, I didn’t change anything.
I also checked if the rotator plugin needs to be but it seems to be up to date.
Please help on what I need to do.
Thank you!

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

This was fixed by using a custom HTML widget vs the text widget.