Newsletter on homepage & Font change – Hello CEO

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsNewsletter on homepage & Font change – Hello CEO
Jessie King asked 5 years ago

Hey, I’m trying to figure out how to make the newsletter sign up plugin look like the one from the demo. When I add it in, there’s no background like the demo has.

Also, we’d like to change the accent font but I don’t understand how to do that. The font we’d like to use is

And the testimonials we have are long, the excerpt doesn’t seem to display in the rotator in replacement of the big quote. We’d really like it to be the excerpt in the accent font.


Thanks for your help,


Jessie King replied 5 years ago

I’ve mostly figured out how to get the newsletter sorted out but still need help with the font changes, testimonial display (also we’ve discovered the names aren’t showing properly either).

2 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

For the font changes you would create a font file in your theme folder, then load the custom font in to it and call it in to the style sheet.

For the testimonial display, It may be in the settings for that plugin. What is it doing that it should not be?

Jessie King replied 5 years ago

I thought I sorted out the fonts by using a plugin because I didn't know how to do what you said, but it isn't changing the fonts from the testimonial plugin and the blog posts dont match everything else either. Is there a tutorial on how to change fonts?

The testimonials are showing a By: on the actual testimonial page that we can't seem to get rid of, nor fill in the name. <a href="">Example here.</a>

The other thing is, is there a way to use a different style of bullet/checkmark thing in lists? I'm not sure what other icons are in there or the names to be able to try out different ones.

Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

I don’t have a premium font tutorial yet but am working on one.

For the testimonials, you can add this code to your theme to hide that

.post-type-archive-testimonial .entry-footer {
display: none;

This would not so much be a theme thing as a wordpress thing. You can use the #, or bullet lists, or checkmarks. There are also font awesome icons you can use and create something similar to a list.

Jessie King replied 5 years ago

Thanks! That fixed the By: part 🙂

To do the bullet lists do I just put in "bullet list" in this spot: ul class="checkmark"

Jennifer Staff replied 5 years ago

No, those are much easier to use. They should be an option in your editor.