Resources Page – Title showing differently on mobile version

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsResources Page – Title showing differently on mobile version
Carrie-Anne Hall asked 4 months ago

Hopefully this is a quick fix! Could you help me with my resources page – – on a desktop it looks smashing. But on a mobile, the title ‘Castle Vault’ has massive space between the two words. Any idea how to smoosh those two words together for mobile viewers? Thanks so much! 

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 4 months ago

If you click on the wording Vault, then over in the editor, under advanced tab, go to where you can adjust the Margins. Click on the mobile icon so this adjustment is only for mobile view. Then do a -negative margin in the top margin box until you get it up where you would like it under the Castle wording. If you need help, you can email with logins. Would be happy to hop on and adjust.

Carrie-Anne Hall replied 4 months ago

Thanks so much for this fix. It helped solve a couple of other issues I was having too! I never saw that little mobile icon. Thanks again