Not clear on how to set up Nav Menu in Hello Boho Theme

QuestionsCategory: Setup QuestionsNot clear on how to set up Nav Menu in Hello Boho Theme
Simone Turner asked 5 years ago

Hi Jennifer,
I looked through all the Q’s before sending and went through the instructions a few times, however I am still not clear on how to set up the nav menu for the Boho theme. Am I supposed to check both the left and right? And how do I set it for the entire website.
Please advise.
Thanks – Simone

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

Yes, you would use 1 menu for the left side.  Then create a new menu for the right side.  For the entire site, first is the homepage setup which can be found here

Hello Boho Theme

Interior pages are done the traditional way.  We have videos that will walk you through how to use the Gutenberg editor, or videos if you are using the classic editor.

Simone Turner replied 5 years ago

Thanks! I finally figured it out. I am really enjoying this theme.