Problem with Mobile Version

QuestionsCategory: ThemesProblem with Mobile Version
Apryl Griffith asked 5 years ago

I have the Sweet Blogs Theme and I\’m having trouble with my mobile version. In the category and tag view, a thumbnail is missing. I attached a picture.

1 Answers
Jennifer Staff answered 5 years ago

It is most likely that lonely one at the bottom.  It was pushed down because the title of the one above it was longer than the other two titles.  There is code built in to the theme to keep that from happening and make each row an equal height automatically.  When that is not working it usually means something is breaking the jquery that controls it.  Can you send me your login information to  I can hop on and see what is going on.

Apryl Griffith replied 5 years ago

Yes, I will email you now. Thank you!